May 31, 2012

Spring Summer 2012 Lob....Long Bob

After at least 10 years, I went back to the haircut I used to have as a kid every summer. My hair cut routine was simple when I was both a kid and a teen: I would have super long hair during the whole year except for Summers when I would rock my LOB (long bob). I waited patiently and excitedly the warm season because that meant all of these great things: a two month holiday in Malta (where my mum's relatives were), sun and sea every day, my hair cut and going out every night for a walk and may be an ice cream. For me as a kid that was the best I could want for my Summer!

So here I am living in Malta, my holiday destination for so many years, waiting for the Summer to begin in my new haircut....the LOB. The long bob has been very in this past year and still is. Below are few pictures I used as inspiration when deciding on my hair cut.

 This is the picture  took with me to show my hair stylist

Below is my new hair cut inspired from the pictures above. The pictures were taken immediately after.



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