Mar 10, 2012

Spring Fitness.......A New Workout Routine

Although the weather today is awful where I live (dirty rain, windy and no signs of the sun), I am happy to say that Spring it's on its way. I might not be able to see it yet, but I can certainly feel it (my hands are so grateful and if you suffer from chilblains you know what I mean).......

Even though I like to keep fit and exercise daily throughout the year, this is the time of the year when the work you have done is going to start showing. Why is this so? Simple, we are starting wearing less layers or at least less thicker ones. So you can actually show your silhouette much better than you were able to during the winter. And if you are still not happy with what you have got, you are still in time to make up for it by working hard! But you have to start no! And most importantly, you have to commit to your fitness. Find some time during the day and try to exercise every day at the same time, at least 5 times a week. I try to do it six times a week and give myself one day off.

If you are already working out consistently, GOOD FOR YOU. I am sure you have seen positive results which you are proud of. However, it is important to change your workout routine every few weeks or at least introduce some new workouts. This way only will your body be able to continue changing and getting more toned and lean. There's no better time than changing your routine before the new season. So here is my NEW SPRING FITNESS ROUTINE.......


As you might guess, if you have already read my other fitness posts, this routine features my favourite trainer
.......JILLIAN MICHEALS. She is really great, not only because she know what she is doing. But she is also fun and nice and that's important when you have to hear her voice every day. Plus her body is amazing! She is not too thin neither too muscly which is what I would never want to be. The workout which you can see here features about 7 moves which I like to repeat 60 times (30 on each leg for those exercises which involve each side of the body individually). Before or after this workout I like to do my abs routine exercises and I normally squeeze in an extra 10 minutes cardio on my elliptical. Believe me this workout works and you will feel it in your legs and arms. They will slightly sore but so much harder and toned........You surely  won't regret the muscle pain!

If you haven't checked my previous exercise routines you can see them here :

A Good Fitness Routine 

Tone your Buttocks

Tone your Abs

Other Jillian Micheals Workouts you might want to check out.......


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