Feb 25, 2012

Best WINTER Hand Cream is.........

As you might have understood from my post "How to cope with Raynaud's" http://alessiapearl.blogspot.com/2012/01/fragrance-allergymy-new-skincare.html , WINTER is not my favourite season. I would actually do without it if it wasn't that I love Christmas time as well as coats and boots.....My hands are the most sensitive part of my body to temperature change and they really get affected negatively by the cold temperatures. The result is very dry hands, and unfortunately chilblains. 

This year after 13 years I was actually able to have baby smooth hands even in winter thanks to one hand cream. I started researching about hand creams at the end of summer and started using Eucerin Intensive Hand Cream which I reviewed here http://alessiapearl.blogspot.com/2012/01/fragrance-allergymy-new-skincare.html. This cream was great for fall but it stopped working around December January when the air got colder. That's when I bought my Norvegian Formula Hand Cream Concentrated by Neutrogena. 

The Norvegian Formula Hand Cream is the best I have ever tried and believe me I tried at least one different hand cream for the cold weather every year. Many might have worked if only I had kept using them as much as I used this one. However, most of them were very expensive since prescribed by either general practitioners or dermatologists. The Neutrogena one on the other hand is very affordable. I would say it is very cheap since 75 ml cost less than 6 euros and it gives you about 200 applications. In my case I think I am going to get about 150 applications simply because I use a lot for each application since my hands really need the extra moisture. I like to apply it twice, once in the afternoon and one more time in the evening. 

In terms of application, I can say that I hated the sticky greasy feeling I got the first time I applied it. But this was because I had applied too much and had not rubbed it in as well as I do now. This hand cream might leave your hands feeling slightly sticky for the first 15 to 30 minutes depending on how much you apply and how well you rub it in. But having sticky greasy hands means you have an extra layer of moisture surrounding your hands which will act as a protection against the cold. So if you can seat for half an hour may be while you are watching TV, studying, reading, browsing online, helping your kids with homework, or talking on the phone you should try and endure the stickiness. I promise you it will pay you off. In fact, after only a week of applying it twice a day I saw my hands so smooth and those wrinkles I had due to  the extra dryness from many years in advance started being less visible. 

This cream has also helped me fight my chilblains and I must say that I was almost able to have my dream come true of not getting chilblains this year thanks to the cream and the tips I told you about in my Raynaud's  post. Another great thing about this cream is that it comes in both fragranced and unfragranced which is important to me since I am allergic to perfumes and scents. I will definitely stick to using this until summer and then I might switch for something lighter. In fact, I have already bought my second tube. And unless I find something better I will use it next winter.



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