Jan 19, 2012

Tone your abs......a 10 minutes workout

Having flat abs has always been essential for me. And I must say that I have almost always had nice abs since my most problematic area is my lower body. Every time I would diet and start exercising my abs would be the one to get fit quickly because they were already fit when compared to my lower body. Toned abs  make it easier to dress. You can wear tight clothes, cinch your waist with all types of belts, wear your tops tucked in your trousers and skirts without the fear of having your belly bulging. Moreover, a small waist and flat abs are one of the most feminine aspects of the female body in my opinion. 

Most women dream of having flat and super toned abs (together with slim and toned butt, thighs and legs) especially in the summer season. Although it's still winter, I am sure many of you have set a resolution to work on your body and get it ready for the bikini season. Of course, eating healthy is also important because you cannot expect to eat junk food or big portions and have flat abs even if exercising (unless you are blessed with a skinny body and a fast metabolism). Sometimes eating healthy and exercising might still not be enough if your stomach gets bloated because of certain food intolerance. However, working out is always a positive thing!

Below is a 10 minute workout I do at least 5 times a week to help my abs stay flat and toned. It includes 10 moves each to be repeated 60 times or 30 times depending on the exercise.

The first move is the basic crunch which consists in starting with the above position and lifting only your upper body. Repeat 60 times.

The reverse crunch consist in having your upper body flat on the floor and lifting your legs up towards the chest at a 90 degrees angle. Once you have this position push your hips towards your chest as much as you can while holding your hands on the ground. Repeat 60 times.

The double crunch is a combination of the previous 2 moves. It therefore consists in pushing your upper body forwards and your hips backwards at the same time. Repeat 60 times.

The one leg crunch is a basic crunch simply done with one leg up and the other down. To make it more difficult I like to keep my other leg bent like in the above picture but not touching the floor. Repeat 60 times on each leg.

The bicycle crunch (above picture) involves bringing together opposite knee and elbow and then alternating with the other side knee and opposite elbow.  Repeat 60 times.

The side crunch is similar to the simple crunch but you have your legs bent on one side and then on the other side. Repeat 60 times on each side, thus 120 in all.

Simple sit ups involve lying flat on your exercise mat and then while keeping your legs on the floor lifting your upper body towards your legs. To help yourself use your arms to pull yourself up. Repeat 60 times.

I also like to do a modified basic crunch with my legs flat on the floor. I repeat this move 60 times.

The above exercise is called the plank. Copy the above position and then alternate first laying on your elbows and then coming up on your hands . Repeat 30 times.

And finally the superman move involves pushing upwards both your legs and arms while lying on your stomach. Repeat 30 times.



Check out my TONE YOUR ARMS WORKOUT post too!


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