Jan 31, 2012

Healthy Meal Plan....Tuesday

Here is the second post of my healthy meals series. I hope you liked my first post. For those of you who haven't seen it, you can click here  http://alessiapearl.blogspot.com/2012/01/healthy-meal-planmonday.html

Tuesdays meals for me are as healthy as Mondays. However, since on Mondays I usually eat lighter than any other day (to make up for the previous weekend) I need to have a more filling lunch on the second day of the week to avoid the feeling of hunger. It's very important to satisfy your hunger because the more hungry you get the less able you will be to eat healthy. Most times when you feel extremely hungry you will end up eating something unhealthy. Eating enough while eating healthy is also necessary to stay healthy and not to feel weak. Here is what I typically eat on Tuesdays....

As on Monday I like to have a chopped banana with some heated soy milk and 2 weetabix. I might also add few black raisins.

On Tuesday my lunch needs to be very filling. And for me the most filling but still healthy food is beans. I use canned beans because they are quickly cooked. I try to buy only those which have water and salt and no other unhealthy ingredient. Another vegetable which is very filling and one of my favourites is carrots. Today I had a nice fish broth with fresh carrots, borlotti beans and crab sticks......You can get my recipe here http://alessiascues.blogspot.com/2011/11/fish-broth-with-fresh-carrots-cab.html

Tonight I will have the same as for breakfast but I will add some dry prunes.



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