Eating healthy might sound boring but I promise you it is fun and tasty and most important it is so rewarding! If you are used to eating unhealthy it will definitely take you some time to truly appreciate simpler and healthier meals. But after some time you will start loving simple and fresh dishes because you will be able to taste each single ingredient and appreciate the fact that it not only tastes good but it also helps you stay healthy and fit.
Eating healthy should become your lifestyle and not a temporary means to achieve weight loss. Unless you are ready to change your eating habits for the long run you are not going to achieve great results and you are certainly not going to maintain those results. Healthy eating is not only good for you but for your whole family, especially if you are a wife and a mum. This way you will be taking care of yourself and your loved ones by ensuring their health improves and stays well for a long time. Healthy eating will reduce the chances of getting many diseases including diabetes, cholesterol, heart problems but also the psychological problems connected with being overweight and obese especially for kids and teenagers. It will therefore lead to a happier life! And we all want that. Don't we? Read my Healthy Eating.....Summer 2012 Update here.
The first step to eating healthy is to STOP EATING JUNK FOOD. You can read my post on how to do this here Once you stop eating junk food or at least reduce it you are already eating more healthy. But this is not enough. What you want is to stop eating junk food for good. This will allow you to really get a healthy lifestyle.
Next you want to learn how to eat healthy. First of all you must understand what is healthy and what is not and learn which foods are good and which are not so good and should therefore be eaten less often. The healthiest foods are fruits and vegetables. This is why you should EAT 5 PORTIONS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES A DAY. You can eat more but ideally you should eat more vegetables than fruits because fruit can still provide more sugars than what you really need. Each meal (including snacks) must contain some fruit and/or vegetable. And ideally the fruit and vegetable part of your meal should be the largest one. These are of course guidelines to follow daily. But you can obviously break them every now and then meaning that sometimes you can allow yourself to eat more carbohydrates than vegetables in a meal, as long as this is not done daily.
INCLUDING HEALTHY PROTEINS is another way to eat healthy meals. Healthy proteins include fish and seafood, poultry and white meat, beans, eggs, soy, lean red meet and nuts. One should eat about 3 portions of healthy proteins. Therefore each main meal should include one portion of protein.
DAIRY should represent another component of your daily food intake. Healthy dairy includes milk (ideally skimmed milk), yogurt and low fat cheese. You should eat 2 to 3 servings of dairy a day. This means that at least 2 of your meals must contain some dairy.
Another part of your meal should be GRAINS. These include cereal, bread, rice and pasta. Feel free to include grains in all of your 3 main meals but limit the amount. On the other hand, if you would like to not only eat healthy but also lose weight limit your grain intake to 1 to 2 times a day.
FATS AND SWEETS should be eaten in small amounts and ideally you should choose the healthier option. Healthy fats include extra virgin olive oil, soy butter, light dressings, and sugar. If you want to eat sweets why not bake yourself a cake or some cookies. This will satisfy your sweet tooth but still be a healthy eat. Of course limit the healthy sweets to few times a week.
Following these guidelines will help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you want and deserve. These guidelines can also help you lose weight and get fit when combined with a good exercise routine. You can get this here
To get some healthy and delicious recipes visit my FOOD BLOG
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