Here are some ideas you can use to inspire yourself when filling a Christmas Stocking for your friend, girlfriend, sister and other young woman in your life. The items below are also great gifts on their own when you want to give someone a small gift. If you are looking for ideas about more expensive gifts you should check my High End Gifts for Her & Him (Christmas 2012 Edition).
2. Catrice Ultimate Colour Lipstick in 160 Tell me A Berry Tale
3. Catrice Allround Concealer

These are few of the makeup products I would like to receive this Christmas. Feel free to choose different brands and different makeup products depending on the person you are giving the gift, your budget and also the country in which you live.
5. A girly BEANIE to keep you warmer
6. A fashionable SCARF in a wine or burgundy colour
8. BISCUITS. Everyone likes to receive something tasty to eat for Christmas. Normally one would want chocolates, but since I do not eat chocolates I would like to have some delicious biscuits in my stocking. Yes biscuits or cookies are my soft spot. Lately I have tried various brands of biscuits (I only have them during the weekend though) but I still haven't tried Walkers Oat Flake & Honey Biscuits. On my wish list are also Mulino Bianco Balocchi which were my favourite biscuits as a kid and some Maltese Krustini.
And you what would you like to receive in your Christmas Stocking?
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