Dec 25, 2012

Christmas pictures....

Christmas is almost over. I really had a lovely Christmas eve with my family and a nice Christmas day with at my parents in law. I wanted to share few photos of my Christmas Eve and Christmas day. I will also be posting my Christmas day outfit and nails by tomorrow.

In Sicily we have the tradition to make what we call focaccie for Christmas Eve. They are like calzone (that is closed pizza) but with various ingredients. Below is the dough my mum made, pretty big I know. She managed to get about 8 large focaccie out of it. 

Below is the focaccia I made for myself, hence the letter A for Alessia. I made mine half with broccoli, olives, mince and cheese and half with potatoes, tomatoes, ham and cheese. These are definitely my favourite fillings.

The last 2 pictures were taken today, on Christmas morning. There is me in my Christmas day outfit which I am going to post tomorrow and a pictures I took of the last few gifts to give since I forgot to take a picture of my tree when all the gifts were still under it.

What about you, did you have a nice Christmas? I hope you did.



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