Nov 28, 2012

Carob Spelt Cake with Carrot & Orange

Last Monday I had boiled several carrots to make a carrot and lemon dip. Since I had some leftover carrots I decided to make a healthy cake with no sugar, spelt flour and carob powder instead of chocolate. Because it came delicious I decided to share the recipe. So here it is...

3 medium carrots peeled, chopped and boiled
2 oranges juiced
2 small eggs
200g spelt flour
2 tablespoons carob powder
2 tablespoons melted soy butter
2 teaspoons baking powder
some honey syrup

1. First blend the carrots with the juiced oranges.
2. Then mix the carrot and orange blended mixture with the rest of the ingredients until you achieve a smooth consistency.
3. Then pour the cake batter in a cake casserole previously greased.
4. Bake in a preheated oven for about 40 minutes (in the middle of your oven).

I covered my cake with a carob sauce made with 2 tablespoons carob powder, 2 teaspoons vanilla essence, some honey syrup and enough soy milk to achieve the right consistency. Mix over your stove until it tickens enough to pour onto the cake. Finally sprinkle icing sugar.



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