Mar 22, 2014

Ready for Summer

Are you ready for summer? Now that my favourite season, SPRING, has arrived Summer will quickly follow - well I hope not too quickly, so that we can enjoy this season minute by minute. And while Spring and Summer might be exciting, they are also a lot of work from a health and fitness point of view. 
I am sure you all like to look your best in your swimsuit, and if you do you would already have started eating healthier and exercising more to be able to find a bikini which makes you feel confident enough to show those parts of your body you are not fond of.
As I always say, fitness and healthy eating should go hand in hand and be part of your entire year - not only the warmer months. Having said that, we are all human and we all love (or mostly all) a piece of chocolate, a homemade dessert and a pizza or burger every now and then. And that is totally fine, if you manage to stick to healthy eating and a good exercise routine most of the year.
My husband and I have been on a roll since 2014 started with eating healthy and staying fit. He started going to the gym 4 times a week, and I continued exercising every morning (6 times a week) before work. We also started eating mostly salads, fruit, and cereals as well as replacing White carbs with wholemeal high fibre ones. Below you can have a look at my favourite foods which I often ate during the past 3 months. And as you can see they look good and I assure you they taste even better!

Porridge has become my best friend in the morning, as it is filling and tastes great with nothing - which obviously means it tastes Amazing with fresh or dry fruit, honey and nuts.

Forest fruit and banana smoothie has been my go to filling treat when I was brave enough to have something cold in the cold mornings or afternoons. And you know that something cold when ingested into your body, especially first thing in the morning, makes your metabolism faster as it needs to use a high amount of energy to heat the food up.
I have switched to brown pasta and I limit myself to 100g once a week. I have also cut sauces and go for a simple olive oil and parmesan pasta with lots of seasoning.

As a protein, I usually have chicken but sometimes I love me some smoked salmon. I have also started eating cottage cheese and yougurt again and I am amazed they no longer make me sick.
As for drinks I have been switching between teas and cappuccino, limiting and almost eliminating the honey as a sweetener.
Finally, the one thing I am addicted to is carbs. As a typical Italian, I love my bread and my sweets. So I have been eating brown and rye crackers and bread and loads of low calories cereal bars. While these are healthier than white bread and high calories desserts, they are still not healthy enough to get in shape for Summer. So I will be starting a new eating plan next week, eliminating most of my carbs and increasing my proteins. If you want to know more about this stay tuned.
Until then, below are some of the workout routines I have been loving in 2014. I will be sharing more fitness workouts in my next post.
Total arm workout
Kickboxing for weight loss
Best Cardio Kickboxing
Zumba with Jessica Mellet


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