Sticking to a healthy meal plan and exercising is not easy, especially when you are used to eating whatever you feel like and live a sedentary life. However, once you start feeling better and seeing the first results you are encouraged to stick to a healthier lifestyle. But what about when you stop seeing results, and you reach the so called weight loss plateau? I am sure you have heard that alternating the amount of calories you take each day and switching to different workouts might help fighting this plateau.
While the above is true, whether you are able to keep losing weight and most importantly whether
you actually succeed in burning the extra fat which your body is holding onto depends on what you eat. Not everything that seems healthy is actually good for you, and will help you in your fat loss journey. Calorie counting is not enough to lose fat. It is necessary to eat the right types of food, that is those foods which will not prevent your body from burning fat. This is something I discovered only recently and I hope that it can help me and all of you who would like to burn the fat which we tend to carry only in specific parts of the body - think the hips, thighs, love handles, buttocks, abdomen.
you actually succeed in burning the extra fat which your body is holding onto depends on what you eat. Not everything that seems healthy is actually good for you, and will help you in your fat loss journey. Calorie counting is not enough to lose fat. It is necessary to eat the right types of food, that is those foods which will not prevent your body from burning fat. This is something I discovered only recently and I hope that it can help me and all of you who would like to burn the fat which we tend to carry only in specific parts of the body - think the hips, thighs, love handles, buttocks, abdomen.

Carbs are not the only food to avoid. While a high protein diet is suggested to enhance fat burning, we obviously need to stick to healthy proteins and limit certain proteins like milk that can cause a high insulin response in our body. Other healthy foods to avoid in order to enable fat burning include bananas, grapes, honeydew, legumes, honey and root vegetables like potatoes, turnips and carrots.

If you would like to know whether reducing carbs can help you lose fat stay tuned as I will be sharing my low carbs high protein meal plan trial soon.
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