Dec 23, 2013

Makeup Routine

It's surprising how the right makeup products combination can make you feel amazing. Having said this, I am sure you all agree with me when I say that it's very difficult to find the perfect makeup routine. Sometimes, even though all the products are great, if one is not the right one for you, then the end result will not be that great.
How many times have you experienced a cakey face, flaky skin, not enough coverage and makeup melting after few hours? My answer is too many. So when I put together the new makeup products I bought in Vienna, and applied them in combination every morning for the past few months I was so over the moon by the flawless result I got that I couldn't not share my new makeup routine with you. I am also planning on posting a review of each single product mentioned in this post, so stay tuned for that.
Makeup routine
My Makeup Routine
My current makeup routine involves the following products:
5. Bobby Brown creamy concealer kit in shade porcelain and white
Makeup routine
New makeup products I got while shopping in Vienna.
The above products together give me a flawless result with great coverage which still looks natural. The only problem is that my makeup starts melting after a few hours. Initially, I thought it was due to the hot weather, but now that it has gotten colder my makeup is still melting after few hours. I have also tried applying the above products followed by the Mist & Fix setting spray by Makeup Forever, but it doesn't help at all. I must also say that I almost never touch up my makeup with powder during the day, so that might be one explanation for my makeup melting off. A second explanation might be that I apply my foundation with my fingers; applying it with a brush might help it sink better into the pores and hence stay longer on my face. I am currently looking for a high end powder, hoping that using a better powder might reduce this problem. What about you: does your makeup melt off after few hours? Do you have any tips on how to avoid this? Share your comments below.

flawless makeup
Here is a picture of me wearing the above products, taken in the morning before work. I decided to share a very basic makeup look as I will be sharing my work makeup looks in a separate post.
Have you found your perfect makeup routine? Or are you still looking for the right products?


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