Jan 9, 2013

New Year Fitness Update (Week 1)

Now that the so called "Epifania" has come and gone, we have no excuse for keeping on eating unhealthy and not exercising properly. For those of you who might not know what the Epifania is, here is a short explanation. The Epifania is the last of the Christmas festivities celebrated in Italy and it happens on the 6th January. Stories are told to children that the Befana, an old ugly lady, comes and brings with her either sweets or charcoal depending on whether you have been good or bad. And once the Befana comes, she takes with her all the feasts and hopefully all the sweets, unhealthy eating and festive laziness. 

In my case, I have to be sincere and say that I haven't really been that bad during the past few weeks. I have continued sticking to my fitness routine, and I actually exercised more because of the extra eating I knew would happen during family dinners and get together events. And in terms of eating, I still had a healthy breakfast every day throughout Christmas and New Year, yes even on Christmas day! Except for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day my lunch and evening snack was pretty healthy as usual. And even on the above mentioned festive days I didn't eat an unhealthy or extra large meal. My only form of unhealthy eating was eating some chocolates, mince pies, Christmas log, pudding, Christmas cake and biscuits in the evening during the weekend and on the festive days. But eating is what Christmas is for, together with remembering God's birth, sharing gifts and being surrounded by the people we love.

So, to make up for the extra delicious things I ate during the past few weeks I enrolled on a full week of hard workouts targeted to my abs and my derriere. And if you are wondering, no I am not going to the gym but I am simply following a new set of workout videos online. And because they are great, and you really feel them in your muscles and they are also fun I want to share them with you in this post. So here are the workouts I have loved doing during the first week of 2013.

If the above workouts are not enough you can check the following fitness posts to get more great workouts.

What about you? Are you back on track with your healthy eating and fitness routine?



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