Nov 30, 2011

The Perfect Wedding.......

As little girls, we all dream of the perfect wedding. As women, most of us make their out most to actually get the perfect wedding. But is this perfect wedding really worth the money, the hassle, the stress and the time which it involves?

As a little girl with a vivid imagination, I dreamed of getting married many and many times. But once I started growing the importance of this dream started getting smaller and smaller. And even after meeting the person of my life, dating him for 5 years and living with him for 1 year I still didn't feel the need to have the perfect wedding. I was actually against getting married for various reasons. The first was that I hated the fact that as a woman I would have to take my husband's surname (not because of his surname) simply because I see it as a form of inequality. In Malta the woman takes the husband's surname but the man cannot take her surname. Why should this be accepted? Aren't we supposed to be living in a modern world where women and men have equal rights and duties? The second reason was that I didn't wanted to get married in church since I have not been practicing Catholicism since I was 16. And I had never thought about the possibility of getting married with the government. Another reason was the absence of the right to divorce in Malta. For me this is important, not because I want to get married and then divorce but because I want to have all the rights which most people around the world already have and one of them should be divorce. One of the final reasons of not wanting to get married was actually not believing that a piece of paper could change something for a couple which was already strong. Finally, I didn't understand how could people want to spend all those money on a single day of their lives.

Everything changed.....when my now husband actually asked me to marry him. He didn't do so in the classic romantic way (although he did it later) but he started talking about it and we ended up talking and planning about it for hours. During those moments I understood how important it was for him and because I knew it was something my parents wanted too for me, I gave in in a positive way. I realized that it could do us no harm but actually make us stronger. I still couldn't understand spending all those money. And I suggested we could have an intimate ceremony in a tropical island just with our parents and grandparents. But neither my husband nor my parents wanted that. And inside I knew that I had always wanted the perfect wedding with all the family around me.........

So we set the date, only one year away. And then all the planning and organizing started. It was definitely stressful and sometimes very difficult. But it was all worth it. It actually was one of the best experiences of my life, especially since planning and organizing is something I really enjoy doing. Lots of money was spent and some of it is still being paid, but it was definitely worth it. I do have some regrets especially for things which didn't go as supposed (because of others' mistakes) but overall I can say that having the perfect wedding was important for me as it is for almost every women. By the way I still kept my surname and we had a civil ceremony. So I accepted to get married but I still did it the way I wanted it!

Stay FAB.

If you liked this post leave comments and I can write other posts showing you ideas for the various aspects of a wedding.

The first picture in this post was taken from this lovely blog  . You should check it out.......


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