For many people packing is not fun. For me on the other hand it's something I look forward to. Apart from the excitement of travelling - especially when it is a leisure vacation - I love packing because it involves a lot of planning and organizing. And by now, I am sure you all know that I really enjoy doing both.
While most people tend to leave packing to the last minute, I actually start thinking about packing for my trip very early on. I believe packing the right clothing, not only the type of clothing but also the right amount, and by that I mean avoiding over packing - since I am not the kind of person who would ever under pack - definitely contributes to making your holiday a great one. After all looking good makes you feel good, and if you feel good you are likely to enjoy yourself more while you are abroad. And while many people think their holiday is the right time to be relaxed and not spend a lot of time getting ready, for me and I am sure for many other women too, getting ready while on holiday is something I enjoy - especially if I love my hotel room. So showering, getting dressed, doing my makeup and hair are something I look forward too while on a vacation and for that to be possible I need to pack all the essentials. That's where packing right and in advance comes handy; you are less likely to forget something, especially if you use a checklist.
In order to pack the right clothes and accessories I think one must have the following information:
1. vacation location
2. period of vacation
3. destination weather
4. number of nights and days you will be on holiday
5. your activities during day and night
6. type of transport to use
7. hotel class and style
8. events you will be celebrating
9. items which your hotel might not provide
10. whether it will be that time of the month (hopefully not!)
Knowing the above will help you figure out what you need in terms of the type of clothing, the amount and also all the other items which need to be packed. Obviously if you are going on a safari or on a camping trip you will pack the opposite of what you would pack if going on a cruise or on a resort vacation. The same holds for opposite weathers, for 3 or 5 stars hotels, and for countries with different cultures.
Another great way I plan my packing is by thinking about my holiday from start to end, and by thinking about which things I will be needing. So for example what would I need as soon as I get out of my home door? The answer is keys. Then I make sure to write keys in my list, but I write it under my handbag list since that's where my keys will be (in reality I never carry keys on holiday). Another example is asking myself what would I need when I arrive at the hotel. If it is night the answer will be my showering products, makeup removers, bags to put dirty laundry in, pyjama. So I will make sure to write all of this stuff in my luggage list. And that goes on and on until I have written all I need and some extra things. I would usually go through this process several times until I am sure there is nothing missing, and whenever I remember of something that needs to be on one of my lists and is not, I will make sure to write it down. Out of the things which are in my lists, there will be items I will need to purchase. In this case I will make a list of things to purchase and go shopping in advance.
Another tip is to take out your luggages at least one week before you start packing, take the time to clean them well (at least I like to do this even though I always clean my luggages before storing them) and it's good to leave them open so that any plastic or fabric smells will have time to disappear.

The final tip I'd like to share is to bring as many plastic bags as you can for dirty laundry, for storing
purchases, for throwing take out boxes if you eat in your room, and for any other need. And taking the time to pack your clothes into separate bags, or cases is important to clean freaks like me but also a great way to avoid taking bed bugs home with you.
purchases, for throwing take out boxes if you eat in your room, and for any other need. And taking the time to pack your clothes into separate bags, or cases is important to clean freaks like me but also a great way to avoid taking bed bugs home with you.
If you liked this post and would like to have a look into my short work trip luggage read my Travel Essentials post. I might also be sharing soon my Holiday packing list. And don't forget to have a look at my old but similar post How to pack your luggage.
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