Nov 1, 2013

Winter Vienna

If you are planning to go to Vienna during Fall, you should be prepared about the fact that the weather there resembles mid-Winter in Malta. Knowing this will help you pack ticker clothes but most importantly loads of layering options. As you might know, I always repeat how important it is to layer when it's very cold as this is the best way to keep warm. In fact, no matter how thick is your sweater - if you only have one sweater or one jacket you will still get cold. On the other hand layering a thermal vest, a sweater, a jacket, scarf and gloves are the way to keep warm. And whenever you start getting too warm you can always remove one layer. This tactic kept me warm in Vienna and it worked so well that I didn't get chilblains, even though it was 7 to 8 degrees Celsius every morning. In this post I want to share with you the outfits I wore in Vienna. They should help you understand how cold it is there, especially if you are someone who gets cold pretty easily. Don't however be discouraged by the cold weather. In fact  assure you that Fall is a great time to visit Vienna, more so in October than in November - just think about the changing colours and falling leaves. It cannot get more romantic and fairytale than this, believe me.

Schonbrunn Outfit
Schonbrunn Outfit, Vienna Day 2
Polka dots top from Zara, navy blue leggings from Zara, grey sweater blazer from Terranova

Monday Outfit
Monday Outfit, Vienna Day 3
White top from Bossini, Aztec cardigan from Terranova, Flats from Stradivarius

Tuesday Outfit
Tuesday Outfit, Vienna Day 4
Skinny black pants from Zara, cream top from Stradivarius

Albertina Wien Outfit
Albertina Wien Outfit, Vienna Day 5

Donauzentrum Outfit
Donauzentrum Outfit, Vienna Day 6

Shopping Outfit, Last Day in Vienna
Zara jeans, H&M vest and cardigan, shoes from donauzentrum

Burggarten Vienna
Burggarten, Vienna. Coat from Stradivarius, Bata riding boots, scarf was a gift from my mum
Volksgarten Vienna
Volksgarten, Vienna. I wore the same coat every day, except on departure day when I wore my new leather jacket. I only packed one coat because I knew I would be shopping a lot and I was afraid we would exceed the baggage allowance. Thankfuly we didn't. I tried to swith the look by wearing a different scarf every day.

Albertina museum, Wien
Burgundy handbag from Parfois

Airport outfit
Airport Outfit
Jeggings from C&A, Top from H&M, Leather jacket from Zara


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