Mar 15, 2013

Pre-SPRING: Fitness & Diet Update

With Summer approaching - and hence bikinis, shorts and dresses - everyone is now thinking about getting fit. While I am hoping that like me, you take fitness and eating healthy seriously all the year long, I do understand the extra worries we all get around this time of the year. Is my derriere toned enough? Are my love handles too big? Do I need to start focusing more on my arms? Yes, I ask myself those questions too. I think the most important thing is to accept yourself and know your limits. If you tend to carry weight on your lower body, that is not going to change easily. However, you can still reach your dream body while keeping few curves here and there. After all, who wants to be completely flat? Eating healthy most days of the year and exercising as many times as you can each week is the key to achieving that point where you feel good and start loving your body for what it is, while still keeping in mind the things you want to improve. Below is a short update on what I am currently doing in terms of fitness and healthy eating.

Lately I have restarted counting my calories. And I think this is helping me keeping track of what I eat + how much I eat. And is making it easier for me to pin point the bad and the good eating habits I have. I am amazed at how much more varied my diet is now. I have introduced nutella and I eat it without any guilt. The secret is to limit yourself to a teaspoon each time (only 40 calories). My Ipad has been amazing for counting my calories. I keep a list of the calories I eat each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also take note of the total; and I write the calories of each ingredient I use while making my meals, so that next time I don't need to recalculate the calories (if I am having the exact thing in the same quantity). I haven't lost weight but my goal is to tone and maintain my current weight, maybe trim my love handles and my hips (although this seems mission impossible). If you are looking for healthy but tasty meals with a calorie tag, check my 30 Days Healthy Meal Plan.

In terms of fitness, I have been loving doing aerobics with Kendell Hogan. It's fun and makes me move a lot and sweat. It helps with the circulation, makes the heart pump fast and improves the mood. I have been alternating it with strength training as well as toning exercises targeted to the abs, arms and derriere.

At the moment I am not really thinking about the bikini season, since I only swim in August. Usually around May or June I will start eating more salads and less carbohydrates and increase my cardio both indoors and outdoors through fast walks. That usually helps me getting fit for the bikini season. What about you? What do you do to get fit for Summer time?



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