Nov 7, 2011


First trip as an independent woman...... First holiday with my now husband (at the time boyfriend)..... So many things to see...... Nature all around us. And finally breathing pure air...........Great weather........ Immense parks........My ideal shopping setting: old streets filled with modern shops......... Impeccable public transport.......... Idyllic scenery...........Magic castles and surroundings.........Picturesque homes...........Joyful people, and dogs. And why would they be sad?.....Cute 2 in 1 bike and pram.......Modern country with an old quality life.......Advanced in the right sectors........Photographic devices, very busy at work........ Open air museums equal learning history while keeping fit..........First sushi of my life. And it was immediate love.....Tivoli Gardens, not for you if you can't see the elephant inside the boa (The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Excupery)..........Beautiful close......Hop on a train. Wake up. You could be anywhere you want.....Buildings so so eloquent............Feet, running against the time............Food, not really a priority when you're feeding your eyes........Poor face muscles, too tired smiling..........Never felt so in peace before! 

 Would I go again?

May be, every other day of my life........



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